Thursday, 11 March 2010

Official Overdoing it


I have been to a doctor who, 3 days after my last long run, looked at my swollen calves and said: it's lactic acidosis...

Which means over-worked muscles...

He actually checked for shin splints and tendon damage as well - but i don't think I have put the mileage in for shin splints yet - thank goodness - lol - and i'm glad i'm not actually injured...

I have been very scared by how drastically swollen my calves have been getting after a new distance - my first 8, 10 , 11.25 and 12 milers were all followed by this kind of swelling... the doc just said i had been seriously overdoing it - i think i can now run 8 miles without swelling and 10 miles with no pain at all - so i'm not too far off the half marathon.

He asked me how important the half marathon is to me and i said that i had sponsorship already and that it was important to me - i think he was asking - do you want to put yourself through that AGAIN?

I really will hope now that race day will bring new energy not new fears - he has suggested walking only for the next 4 days - so a full week of no running - and more stretching - followed by very limited run - walk - running...

I think i will find that i have to run - walk - run this first half marathon anyway - I really thought i had been following a sensible schedule - but maybe i need to go slower than most with my increases - or maybe i just stepped it up too quickly...

I really promise that i will not find myself following an advanced half marathon plan for my second half marathon - ( i will give the Tavy 13 a miss in 5 weeks time ) - which is not till June.

I think everyone has different limits with their fitness and running and i'm sure i will come up with a few more over time - this is not my limit - it is only the beginnng of long distances...

1 comment:

  1. Slow it down Greetigress. It sounds like you need a couple weeks of rest. It's hard to rebound after a serious injury. Sometimes the best training schedule is walking. Some people do pool running which is a real good no-impact workout. Be smart. Mike
