Sunday 14 December 2008

Coopers Test

I just bonked on my first attempt at the Coopers test. I warmed up for 5 mins walking, then ran for 8.57 mins, and covered .83 of a mile... which makes my average 10.46 minute mile pace and my best 7.44...
my hr was average 173 and max 181, sooo, i would love to call this a max hr test instead of a Cooper's test, lol!

I couldn't complete it cos i just couldn't believe i'd been going for less than 12 minutes! If i had trusted i'd got my garmin programmed right i may have walked the last 3 mins and then it would be a true coopers test.!!!

I was not expecting much tbh, because i know that my pace on a good day last year was just under 13 and i only started back 11 weeks ago...

I was coughing and wheezing at the end which is a bit depressing and it' s hard not to be disappointed

Right at the start of the test 2 guys went past doing 7 or 8 min miles and I just forgot my sense and started on a bit of a sprint... so instead of finding out how far 12 minutes takes me i think i got my maximum heart rate.

I have been selling loads of stuff on ebay and amazon that has been lying around for too long... stuff that I did not think would go, but it has!!! not all of it but a lot of stuff... feels like making money, but really i'm getting a little back from things i shouldn't have bought in the first place!

So i think 9.36 min miles for 12 mins is out of reach at the moment, but at least it was a cool time to try out the virtual partner on my garmin....!!! I was ahead by about 100 ft at one point!

Love szgr


  1. At least you made a good attempt at the Cooper. The good thing about it is it's only 12 minutes-you can always try again! I do a Cooper test every now and then and log my results. It's fun to see if I've made any progress. You've reminded me that it's time to try it again!

  2. I agree with Tanya you made a good attempt. Keep up the great effort and you will get better at it!!!!!
    Great you are selling stuff too.
