Saturday 20 December 2008

I just had a recovery week, i think it was difficult to keep myself down to a level of 70%... I still had some energy left and didn't feel like i was due for a rest.
Now getting back to it for the last 2 days, I did 27 mins yesterday (8 of them running) and I am starting to feel impatient, or like it is not such a new thing any more... I'm getting used to exercise now and in a way it's more boring.... except for the running bits, which i still like !!!
I like the cold weather and not having to take off my waterproof jacket because of the heat... I like that i can cover up and not feel exposed in a tshirt...
Also I wear skins under and it's a great feeling to wear them, but how can i go out looking like that in the summer? lol I will need a big oversized mens tshirt to throw over or smth... or swealter in a hoodie... I am so glad right now that i live in a climate which is hardly ever too hot or too cold...
Today it looked a bit miserable out there so i did weights cross training with my XcO trainers which i love,,, i have got up to 3x reps of 15 today on the 15 different exercises, completely unimaginable a few weeks ago, it is so good seeing progress!!


  1. Way to go!!!! Keep up the great effort.

  2. You are really doing well. Just be patient! And don't worry about what to wear-go running in whatever you're most comfortable in. Honestly, most people don't even notice us runners!

  3. Good steady improvement!! Actually, I do notice runners all the time on the roads and wistfully wish I was running too, but don't notice what they're wearing or not wearing for that matter. Keep up the great work!!!

  4. Ya I notice runners on the road too. But I can't say I ever took note of what they were wearing I just wished I could run as well as them. You are doing so great!!

  5. Well done, GT! Keep it up! I'll keep visiting!

