Saturday 13 June 2009

Hard 3 miler

I don't know 3 miles was so difficult today - I have had a lot of rest in the last 2 days and this should really have been easy - I took a walk break which was great, and felt a lot better after a pee stop too :)

I think i was going too fast for me - I felt competitive with the dog walkers and found the whole thing very challenging - i did 3 miles in about 38 mins, which is pretty fast for me i think, and will go intentionally Very slowly for my 5 miler tomorrow...

I have been trying to wangle my last week as being my first week of Mileage Buildup phase of marathon training and i can only do it Mon - Mon rather than Sun - Sun like my plan says - so it's very confusing for me, Mon - Mon i will have done 14 miles but not Sun - Sun - only 9 lol so I am making this my Mon - Mon first week - and will end up just RUNNING and see what happens... which i am going to do for the whole next few months... i HOPE!!

I want to take it as easy as possible - today wasn't easy - but I need an easy attitude - I don't think I've got one - but I need one


  1. I used to run my easy recovery runs too fast, but later discovered using a heart rate monitor would keep my easy running within 60-65% of my maximum heart rate; it's so much easier to do with the'll beep when I go over 65%. Another method would be by perceived effort where you can talk in complete sentences and your effort is around 4-5 on a scale of 10.

    I train using the Easy/Hard method. Easy recovery runs are so very important...if you don't run easy, you won't be able to run harder the next day. Be easy on yourself and allow your body to adapt slowly as to avoid burnout and/or injuries.

  2. I don't run and have never enjoyed it much. But I do go to the gym and have found that all I need to do to get better steadily is to go a minimum three times a week and to set myself a target of increasing my target weight or number of repetitions (not both!) by just 10% each week. It's not much but it's amazing how it builds up over the months. I'm doing weights now I couldn't have moved a year ago!
