Thursday 18 June 2009

this is the site I got my marathon training schedule from, at the moment i am at the end of week 1 in the mileage buildup stage which is 4 days a week and 14 miles... Today it took me 56:02 to cover 4 miles...

The great thing is not being too tired after - and still being full of energy, this does not include my warm up cool down or stretching which i don't measure or include as part of the run!!!!

I am not looking too far ahead any more, I am just focusing on the next training run - a 3 mile run on Saturday... hopefully when I get to Switzerland for a holiday I will be able to run on the Sunday - the first day of the second week schedule.....

Prior to this I was doing 11 or 12 miles a week on a regular basis for at least the last 4 months...

I took a friend and my mum with me so that she could walk her dog somewhere interesting today - I ran and they walked - it was really sweet and funny that the dog couldn't figure out why I was leaving and I had to run back and make sure the dog followed me back to his owner. lol so it was quite a zig zagging run... but in the end the dog got the idea and stayed with her.


  1. Good going! Week one nearly complete. Which marathon are you planning to run?

  2. I am a recovering schizophrenic who started running again. Found your post 6 months ago but came back to say hi. I am cross training with 1 hr. on chest or arms or back muscles, then run one day a week. I would like to do 2 or 3 miles. Good Luck.

  3. Hi I am planning on running the London Marathon
    Hi Shawn, the cross training sounds good i don't do a lot of upper body work....
    I would think 2 or 3 miles should be easily within your reach, just take your time getting there... there is no hurry - it took me a long time to get that far!!!
