Thursday, 7 May 2009

Upcoming 5k race


I am doing a 5k run this Sunday! It will be my first 5k race and I wish i knew how to pace it - i think rather slowly because a 5k is now my long run (or 3 miles plus some walking) - on a hilly course... this run should be pretty flat tho, so i will look at my pace for my hilly run and take a min mile off it maybe and try to run to that - probably about 14 min miles - god that is slow!
if i keep it to that maybe i can do a negative split and finish a bit faster!


  1. Great! Good luck.

    I always hesitate to advise anyone, but since you seem unsure so close to race day I would advise you to pace the 5k the same way that you pace your training runs. That is how I paced my recent race - just like I ran in training. I'm so glad that I did.

    I think if you pace yourself this way, you will enjoy the race more.
    First off, you already know that you can run 5k at that pace, even if you need a walk break. This eliminates alot of anxiety regarding burnout, not finishing,etc. That anxiety can have a negatove effect on your performace. All of that mental junk gets taken off of the table and you can enjoy the experience, and finish feeling good.

    Secondly, if you perform at a training pace, there is a good chance that you will have a bit extra towards the end -due to adrenaline - and then you can finish strong, looking good, with a nice final kick.

    Don't worry about the time. Go slow and have a great race!!

  2. Good luck with your race! I can't wait to hear all about it!
