Tuesday, 7 July 2009

16 mile week

The MBT light jogging is going well, I am 'warming up' for half a mile, light jogging with weights, then changing shoes stretching and carrying on my run...
I cool down at the end by walking and stretching again...
I have had a great time changing shoes and trying a different running style and having a 'break' on some of my muscles very near the start of my run lol
I will increase gradually... and will keep to half a mile at the beginning of every run to start with especially because of my increase to 5 day weeks next week...
This last week I did a training run of 5 miles which was hilly and slow but actually (if I had been able to keep up same pace for one more mile) was exactly my race speed for my hilly race that is coming up... for my upcoming 2x 6 mile/10k races I hope I will be able to keep going at a training pace so that I will have no chance of missing much training...
I have also covered more than 1.5 miles more running than ever in a 4 week period, and more miles than ever in a week by 1
I ran 16 miles this week, 57 in 4 weeks and 63 in a month

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