Thursday, 9 July 2009

My training schedule

I have decided to attatch my adjusted schedule - I am doing 8 day instead of 7 day weeks and making the 8th day a rest day - slotted in so that i don't have to run 3 days in a row...

In addition I have 4 'spare' weeks which i can slot in any time i need some time out or possibly, if everything goes well the whole time - I can just repeat a 4 week stretch or take time after my half marathon...

I hope that someone can take a look at it and give me some comments - my physio is not cheap and talks a lot but she has said that this looks like a lot of miles - so can i get away with less than this??

Having difficulties with adding a link, if possible can you press this link and go to the bit on the post that says 'Mileage Buildup and Marathon Training Schedules'

This is also a link - it's at the bottom of the third post!!!!



  1. I couldn't find the schedule you were referring to. On this plan, how many days a week are you running? It is important to have rest days throughout the week so that you body has time to recoup. The important thing is to ease into it, which it sounds like you are.

  2. HI Dustie,
    I looked at the link - it leads you to another link which you need to press, it's at the bottom of the third post called 'mileage buildup and marathon training schedule'
    Thanks for looking!
